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Old February 7th, 2016, 14:14   #422
Magwell's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Edmonton, AB
Hey gents,

Last night I was playing at our local indoor field, probably about four solid hours of play before my MP5 went down. It would fire only the first shot after inserting a magazine and releasing the charging handle (incredibly frustrating after thinking you shot that one guy, only go give away your position and get pelted! haha). Everything cycled just fine, but no rounds came out. After further inspection, my bolt head has broken in half.

Has anyone else had this happen before? I'm baffled how this could even happen because I believe the impact of the bolt carrier is on the rear end of the charging handle? Anyway, I wanted to flag this for you guys as something to watch out for and see what upgrade parts would be recommended to replace the bolt head - Looks like there are the TSC and Azimuth brand steel replacements. Azimuth looks to be higher quality - can anyone confirm?


Last edited by Magwell; February 7th, 2016 at 14:31..
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