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Old February 6th, 2016, 07:42   #19
Join Date: Jul 2011
Just throwing this out there if you haven't already fixed it.

First thing you want to try and do is rack the gun back. If you pulled the trigger and can't rack the gun back you won't be able to take down the gun due to the hammer not being reset

Step 1: Try and align the inner and outer barrel in place if you are able to. I do this by tapping the outer barrel back. If the nozzle is stuck pull it back manually

Step 2: Wiggle the recoil spring guide and set it in place. You'll know when it seated right when it slides right in

Step 3: Try racking the Gun back. If you pulled the trigger you'll have to reset the hammer. You rack the gun back your half way there to getting the slide off

It would also help if you took more pictures and possibly a video describing the issues.
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