Throw a grenade around every corner. Problem solved.
One time after some airsoft I admired myself in the mirror while flexing my spaghetti arms and flabby belly and noticed that there was a strong bias to BB smacks on my person. It seemed that a high proportion of the superficial contusions caused by BB strikes on my sexy body were strongly concentrated towards my right front quarter.
I found the distribution of hits interesting and walked around my house pointing my right index finger around corners quietly muttering "pew pew pew!" and realized that I tend to pie around corners with my left shoulder forward. Being strongly right handed and right eye dominant, I tend to like to present my left side when going around corners and through doors. The statistical hit evidence on my body supported that premise and the guys at TTAC fire for effect at close range so I had a lot of marks to tally up. Yay sampling theory!
A disporportionately high percentage of hits whammed into my left forearm, face, and left hand. I like to think that it is evidence that I am using cover to minimize frontal area as best I can.
All in all, the hits provided me with some evidence of how others were blasting me. I don't typically get many marks on my backside, which tells me I don't get backdoored too often, but the very strong distribution towards the front left tells me a lot about how I like to go forward a lot.
I don't play very often anymore, but I pay some attention to where I am getting hit to give me a sense of how I move through a situation. Issues like "How does one make a weak handed, weak eyed corner?" are very personal. Your sense of vision and handedness are something that will be hard for others who are not similar to appreciate so you will have to find your own way. Fortunately airsoft is non lethal. We can look at little mini bruises on our skin to post mortem our game and better understand how our lizard brain likes to do things.
Right now, it looks like if I was a ETF cop, I would take a hit right through the left armpit hole in my vest through both lungs because I do not present the strike face of my vest squarely when I go through doors or corners.
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Last edited by MadMax; February 5th, 2016 at 04:32..