I think semi only is the way to go for indoors facilities (LMG's not permissible if they can't function on semi), I don't see why you'd want to restrict outdoor to semi only. Wouldn't be hard to check for ROF, people have to crono anyway. It can be changed on field, but so can FPS ammo caps and fire selectors.
If the question is honour and respect, we're most likely talking about people who wouldn't follow mag or ammo caps. Real caps can be fun and have their niche, TTAC is an excellent example. But I think you'd be hard pressed to sell real caps to even 1/4 of players out there. The shortcomings of BB's become very evident outdoors, and real caps become very limiting to gameplay.
I think we're all in agreement, we shouldn't demonize HPA systems just the asshats who abuse their capabilities. It's harder to justify a 10 second trigger pull than a 3 second pull, ROF limits would be a good way to limit some of the overshooting we saw in the links Delta posted, and address the growing complaints about HPA systems.