Originally Posted by hollywood...
typically people playing with real cap loadouts / GBBR are not someone whose FPS/ ROF are an issue - at least in the circle of players I play with / against
do not take a shot you would not want to receive goes a long way
Yes, it's nice to play with close knit groups, but not everyone has that luxury. No matter how you shake this the issue is people, period. Rules and sportsmanship are all well and good, but cheaters will cheat and jackasses will jackass. I think an absolutely intolerant approach to people like this is the key. Typically though, it's fields that are businesses where most players have no responsibility to one another where these issues arise, and although not all, many do not take a hardcore approach to certain issues so they don't scare away business.
To be fair the entire of Canada only has the population of California, so more people density, more problems. Also we've had some real winners in our communities as well. I won't mention any names, but there have been adult players who've intentionally overshot people who were already put, made threats of physical violence, ganged up on people, intentionally upped FPS after chrono, etc, etc, etc. So does this incident suck? Yes it does, but it is nowhere near the worst thing I've seen, even in Canada.