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Old January 27th, 2016, 15:24   #81
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
Full-auto has its place, but like high FPS, or really anything else, it requires responsible use.

This whole incident has nothing to do with any of that though, this was strictly a decision made by an individual, the method or tools of the incident are irrelevant. laying charges is the responsibility of the kids family, however, it can be reported and the video turned over by anyone I suppose. The community banned the player(s), which was the right move, so I really don't see the issue. It was a jackass move and completely uncalled for. As for the whole "kids will be kids", that's a fine mentality, but only from a time where people were allowed to actually deal with problems and discipline other people's kids, but alas, no longer. The days of having everyone on the field shoot the hell outta the perpetrator, snapping his gun over your knee and then dropping him off to his parents, who'd whoop his ass and ground him for a month are over. As long as there's tolerance and no justice, shit will continue to slide south. I'll bet his parents try to sue the field for banning him, which was a trigger for his depression, and then try to sue everyone who posted or commented on YouTube and then give their kid his own airsoft field with the proceeds, guaranteeing he ends up being an entitled, maladjusted little shit-punk for the rest of his life. Yay!

As for the on-field FPS, RPS, joule-creep, temperature-swing, etc, I've been advocating for stronger rules and better testing methodology to keep everyone honest. As for HPA units, they aren't the bad guy, but controls should be in place.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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