In my opinion, I am all for people using p* and HPA guns i have no issues with them so long as the people using them are responsible and not running their rof at retarded amounts.
I played speed ball in paintball and have been lit up at 12.5-15 rps (and paintballs hurt more) but getting full auto to the back,face, head or any part of the body like that is ridicules and id be losing my shit on someone pulling a stunt like that not only is it a dick move it is a safety issue like if you come around the corner on semi and shoot a guy by accident in the face he is only going to take 1 to 5 shots if that but you come around with a hose and that is opening up grounds for serious injuries.
I am of the firm opinion that full auto should only be permitted on LMG classes because really it takes no skill to hose an area and take out half to all the players there. Or to go around a corner and take out everyone before they can turn around.
People who buy the p* guns just for the hosing abilities are buying them for the wrong reasons. I would buy a p* for the fact of Canada gets cold and i like playing outdoors so a HPA gun would run longer and better than a battery operated or gas gun.