As a GBBR user myself
GBBR w/ 8-10 mags (usually there is a 300 rd limit and this meets it!)
We G17 w/ 2-3 mags
2-3 cans of propane
1-2 bags of BB bastard BBs +1 bag of tracer for night
1 tracer unit
8 extra batteries CR123A
Waterproof Soft Shell
Food (I've brought tinned, bagged and bars)
3L of water on person, +1 gatorrade
more water+gatorade at base, incase someone needs a pick me up.
tent, sleeping bag at base.
FAK on myself, along with NPAS tool and small tool kit.
Pen and paper
extra socks
NVG mount
goggle cleaning stuff/fog wipes
Originally Posted by FirestormX
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
Last edited by Curo; January 25th, 2016 at 22:50..