Originally Posted by Handsonic
A good food option would be canned food and you can bring a can opener and metal fork. Stuff like tuna, noodles, beans, etc is delicious and easy to carry around and eat in any environment, be it during or after a game, or while waiting in the dead zone.
I have to disagree, that is the worst thing to bring to an OP. Aside from being stuck having to store a bunch of messy tin cans (throwing them away on the field is NOT an option), tinned food is heavy, and seldom goes down easy cold.
Instead, try beef jerky, CLIFF bars, cereal bars (sweet n salty), protein bars... if you can't afford fancy protein bars, MARS bars are pretty much the same deal just wayyy more sugar...which if you are running around is not a big deal.
Originally Posted by Handsonic
Bring energy drinks.
Totally agree on this point, but only with sugar free ones. I usually run a camelbak at ops, but I always stash a midgame energy drink in my kit, and a postgame drink in my car... A gatorade mid game won't hurt you either.
The above is all said assuming you are active during an op, if you are camping respawns all day you'll need infinitely less calories...