Nice to see an active DG thread.
Thanks for the dealer update.
I've had a few
AK,FAL M4 and MP5
Don't know as BBA didn't mention, but you'd want TNKs Big Bolt in the package for AK.
The older ones had a stainless engaging plate screwed into the bolt with 2 M4 screws that would wear away,snap and generally fk things up.
TNKs BIG Bolt had a steel plate welded to the bolt.Also had larger valves for more airflow(this was something TNK had done for me custom, Best ask if you are ordering an AK kit if the bolt has a plate screwed or welded)
The AK was definitely the most intimidating.
On the LCT with the steel bolt just slamming away with a nice chunk and steely ring just the thing to bring a smile on.
Don't put it on a Dboyz ,no problems with it but LCT quality is just sooo much better.
I had heard that it was possible to put it in an even nicer platform though I completely forget ( Innokatsu? do they even make AK, possibly Real Sword ..never mind)
The MP5 is a contender for nice hard kick, sadly more a chuk sound.
The FAL was heavy as hell
I built my M4 on a sweet WOC base and directly copied it from another M4 from Justin,
that indeed was a project that was precise and needed a lot of patience ,
but man once it was finished I was gratified to have the time rewarded with a great result and emotional investment in the satisfaction bank.( and I can still feel my back ache)
It looks like only WE M4 kits are available.
Fortunately I was lucky enough to stock up on HOP rubbers and aside from the AK bolt I don't see much in the way of issues with the system,
keep in mind though that there are operating tolerances so 120psi should be your max.... my guns are pretty happy between 90-110 psi