The 24 is not super heavy. Its just noticibly heavy for a shoulderbag. Of youre looking for a field pack that can accommodate the needs of 2 people, it will work. Though, youre probably better off using a compressable 48 to 72 hour pack. Ive handled the 12 and its a small pack. This series of 5.11 bags is literally named after the function of the pack. The moab 10 = 10 hour patrol sustainment. 12= 12 hours, 24= 24 hr daypack, and so forth. A 12 hour pack is cutting it fairly minimalist but if you folks dont carry much ON FIELD and leave a fair amount of kit/food etc back at your vehicle, it may scrape by but just barely. Also keep in mind that 5.11 tends to use a heavier duty fabric for their packs for durability reasons, which in my mind is a good thing. Like I said, 3 years of constant use and traveling and no noticible wear except the mud spots. No busted seams, no torn zippers. You get used to the weight pretty quick and Im assuming you wont be wearing it the whole day, wether working, moving about or playing. Believe me, its really not that bad. I wore it for 8 weeks straight, its about as heavy as one of those "Swiss" backpacks all the college students love and has 10x the functionality.
If youre looking to run a minimalist pack, i wouldnt push less than the 12 especially for 2 people and even then, thats cutting it close. My minimalist /sustainment pack is an ares combat xii pack, and it barely fits everything I need for a gas gun user for a 24 hour game. Thank the gods for molle rocket pouches.