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Old January 20th, 2016, 18:57   #72
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
I heard Vondnik got into real steel. I think he's the one who sold me my first AEG way back in the day. It used to be owned by a guy named Hellranger IIRC. A lot of history in that SOPMOD I have...

Did anyone here ever hangout with Kampfer? He's a cool guy. I think he's still around and goes to the odd game here and there but his job keeps him real busy. I talked to Optix a few months ago, sounds like he's a super busy dude with a career now. Willie W. from SpecArms isn't allowed to have contact with the community anymore but I remember someone mentioning that he's involved with JDM imports now.
Vondnik is indeed in real steel today. He's also a huge fan of offroad with his Jeep.

Hellranger is a player that passed away a couple of years ago. It was a shock to the whole Quebec community (including myself).

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