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Old January 20th, 2016, 08:16   #15
butthurt for not having a user title
Cliffradical's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Winnipeg
Are you trolling? It's an unbelievably bad idea.
And I don't mean a kevlar vest, I mean a stab vest. The kind you'll actually have to go to the right store to buy. Yes it will be expensive. No, it won't be too expensive if it's something you really need.

How old are you?
Putting some cutting boards in an airsoft plate carrier so you can stand up to bad guys and protect your mom or girlfriend is so delusional that I am actually concerned. Please take a step back and reevaluate your motives and plans.
You will hurt yourself and possibly others if you do this. Bast case scenario is you look like a fantastic turbo-dork.
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