M4/M16 Thread
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December 31st, 2015, 04:51
Can't Aim worth a damn!! old lady gives me heck for missing the toilet all the time.
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Montreal area & Tatooine
Still darn curious about that rail/ receiver tankdue
Anyway, the following was purely for fun as I began sorting through what was one parts box. (parts box is actually now at least a dozen as well as five and a half drawers yet to sort:
For a few minutes I became a DMR !, yes, I was a designated marksman rifle ...? what? No, of coure not, that's IMPOSSIBLE! What I meant to say was that I had too much crap on my M16A1
Last edited by ARC-74; January 1st, 2016 at
.. Reason: Happy New Year!!!
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