Telling you that something you want to do is a bad idea (even in a mean way) isn't trolling.
Trolling would be;
A) Giving you false information and presenting it as legitimate in order to lul at your folly
B) Coming out against something you believe in/ want to do even though the Troll believes in/ has done that thing, because you phrased your argument/ plan poorly and they want to bait you into embarrassing yourself
C) Malicious boredom
You just walked into a home appliance forum and asked whether a toaster oven can be turned into a microwave. The theoretical answer is "Yes", but the real answer is "No, why?". Some people have been nicer to you than others, but no one has actually been mean, and you haven't been trolled at all.
For that matter, don't shoot animals with an aisoft gun; kill them dead or don't at all. Use a .22 or a purpose-built pellet gun. If you bust a small animal's limb, hip, or ribcage and just let it struggle, slip into shock and bleed out on your lawn, you are an asshole, and that's the most likely scenario with less than a purpose- built gun.