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Old December 20th, 2015, 23:31   #24
Join Date: Dec 2015
Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Private property is private property, and you can use the gun your parents purchased under adult supervision.

As far as where your field is located, many municipalities in Ontario, and other places, have a no discharge of firearms law, so ensure that the property is not within those areas. It won't just be you who may get a charge, but also your grandparents and parents possibly. If you receive a weapons prohibition along with any charges, that means no firearms, airsoft guns, crossbows, certain knives and things, etc, the list can be long. My wife's cousin got one for a mischief charge, which is a criminal charge, and the list of things he can't have is long. Just make sure that all federal, provincial and municipal laws and bylaws are being observed.

Another issue is 'other youth' playing at your grandparents property. Because they don't have proper insurances and all reasonable risks (by legal standards, not by yours) may not have been removed, they could be held liable for anything that happens. Keep that in mind, I know it isn't convenient, but go to a licensed field or wait until you are an adult. You must have a friend with a driver's license who can drive you and your friends? You said you were fifteen, so someone's got to be old enough. Take turnd getting your parents, then your friend's parent, then your buddies sister, really whomever, to drive you to the field every other weekend.

With the gun itself, yes you can of course learn to fix/upgrade it yourself, and arguably you should. It doesn't take much though to blow up in your face and become a paperweight. It's still a common story after ten years of doing this. Most guys wait until they have some experience and a few guns before they tinker too much.

That's the best advice I can give. I want your airsoft experience to be positive, but it was never meant as a backyard game, or for unsupervised/uninsured youth to participate in. Protect yourself, protect you friends, protect your family, from physical and legal harm.
Ya I see what you mean. I get my drivers license when I'm 16 and that's in 5 months. And then I gotta wait 8 months after that to get my g2. Even then my parents won't like me going on the highway with only 8 months driving expierence.
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