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Old December 20th, 2015, 07:06   #411
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Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: Moscow, Russia
Originally Posted by N_Force View Post
If you talked about the first 7-8 mags had no problems, then gas mist started, right?
Pls give me more details:
How many mags you have in total?
How long(mins) to empty all the 7-8 mags, and how many mags you got it gas refilled and shot the second or third time?
~1h for all, all mags was refiiled one time minium. Some mags "add-filled" (sorry, not know how to translate ) 20-50% 2-3 times in short pauses in game.

You said the exhaust gas were from barrel, was it from the front or the ejection pot?
from front of barrel
After finished all 8 mags, could you see any freezing sytom inside the bolt or feeling cold?
Freezing - no, but bolt some cold of course.
And how about the temp of all mags too? Are they pretty cold? Did the blow back still ran smooth or not after empty 8 mags?
Mags cold like usually. Like аfter the nornal shooting. Blowback go weak.

Something is wrong. But I do not understand that .
Сan I fill a lot of gas in mag?
I use "blue" Guarder (regular green gas)

Last edited by dr.collapse; December 20th, 2015 at 07:15..
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