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Old December 18th, 2015, 15:51   #12
butthurt for not having a user title
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Winnipeg
Another point would be that these plates are only oriented to protect your vital organs.
Intestines are not vital, bladder can be replaced by a bag, you only need one kidney, and the liver is higher than you think. If you're squared up, in an aggressive posture, and on the attack, a small form factor plate carrier should give you a pretty fucking good chance that a wound you sustain will be at least treatable. They're life saving devices, if not exactly quality-of-life saving.
Not Robocop, and probably won't help you with frag or spalling, but still a huge improvement over the days when guys who had to be fast and also had some control over their own kit would just ignore armor entirely.
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