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Old November 11th, 2015, 06:49   #2
Official ASC Geomorphologist
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Montr?al south shore, Qc
This one was designed by a well known french airsofter. The guy has made crazy custom rifles in the past. He really knows what he's doing. I followed the development of the rifle on a forum where he hangs out and you can tell its a labor of love. Not a single piece of pot metal on there. No cheap ABS plastic either. Its rather expensive but its really well made. The only parts that could need an upgrade are the barrel and hop rubber. It also takes regular AEG piston heads, the conical so called silent piston heads. Its is possible to r-hop the rifle, but will probably require the special hs5 plastic cover thing.

The shortest one has a 450mm barrel... Longer than a stock VSR10. There is really no need for the longer ones other than look. The covert/short one would make a great sniper-rifle-of-opportunity. Sling it on your back and forget about it until you happen to be well placed for that perfect shot.

A great project so far. Hope that no major problem will be found after release.
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