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Old October 30th, 2015, 12:06   #43
Official ASC Geomorphologist
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Originally Posted by SuperCriollo View Post
I honestly can not see the appeal of TM AEGs other than their recoil series. Most have fragile ABS bodies, and while reliable and decent performing in stock form, they are out shot by any mildly tuned gun, for a fraction of the price.
I would go for the Scorpio evo 3, mainly because it is one of the very few technologically innovative AEGs on the market.
I agree and feel the same, but the Marui guns in this topic are the notable exceptions. If you can find a TM MP5K for a good price, its an amazing gun for CQB. Same for their P90. But if you want to take them outside its another story, in that case you're much better off buying something else.
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