You'd be better off with an AEG. With the indoor season heating up outdoor airsoft won't be active for a while. An AEG will offer all season gaming and a more useful (Read as fun) gun. At 250 bucks i cannot recommend any Bolt Action. But there are plenty of okish starter AEGs at that price for the budgeted airsofter. (Not everyone can afford l33t smooth opr8tr VFCs).
At 250 bucks the real issue is that most bolt action sniper style rifles don't out perform their AEG counter parts in any way and many or all the upgrades that are designed to make a bolt action rifle have any kind of advantage are for more expensive versions like for example the Tokyo Marui VSR-10 (NOT A CLONE AN ACTUAL TM WILL RUN YOU ALLOT MORE THAN 250) These have better manufacturing tolerances and perform more consistently. The bolt actions your referring to just get pinned down by the volume of fire put out my AEGs and cannot out range them.
Originally Posted by FirestormX
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.