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Old September 26th, 2015, 06:46   #1
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Vancouver
Crye G3 Users and Experts Please Help: Tru-Spec vs Crye Precision G3 Combat Shirt

Hey everyone,

I'm planning to upgrade my combat shirt to either the Crye Precision G3 or the Tru-Spec. (Either this: or this: )
I know CP is practically known as "the best" out there as well as quality and of course the most expensive. On the other hand, I personally know Tru-Spec is the best compromise of economic and quality.

That being said though, what are the exact differences between both products aside from the price? What am I exactly missing out by not getting a CP? Some people say the quality in CP is a lot better, but how?

And finally, if I am to get a CP shirt, what size should I get? And how should the fitting be? I'm 174cm with 42inch chest and normally wears Medium for my other clothes. I originally thought I'd get a Medium like I always do, but when I tried on a Medium CP G3 lately, it's way too large for me. (even the sleeves are too long). I then tried the only other size that they have for the G3, a XS, and although a little bit tight, it practically fits perfectly. The XS fit my torso like Underarmour, which makes me wonder if it should be slightly looser and if a Small will be better. I'm shocked why the Medium for that sample is so large, or is there something I don't understand about the proper fitting of these shirts, or are they possibly prototype sizes that are this large in general. That said though, I checked the CP sizing charts and they recommended a Medium based on the width of my chest. So all this experience confuses me. Even more, there are no available real products of the G3 on sales at where I am so I can't test out for real of what I should be getting.

I hope someone with substantial experience or product knowledge on combat shirts or sells these can explain this to me how all this works. I've done some research online already but I haven't been getting any answers. Thanks again

Last edited by ravan318; September 26th, 2015 at 09:49..
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