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Old September 8th, 2015, 18:46   #26
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: Strathroy
all TM's spec for duster, but everyone either uses green gas or propane.

I personally just went though a can of green gas on my brand new TM g17. now its kinda broken in. I switched to propane and am adding GBB oil to the cylinder (you do know that green gas is propane with oil and without the smell?)

your choices are good ones; just make sure you can get a kydex or serpa holsters for them.

Originally Posted by Kelseamac View Post
Sort of decided what I am going for, so here's my top 3:

1. Tokyo Marui XDM .40 Green Gas Pistol (175$)

2. Tokyo Marui Glock 17C Custom (190$)

3. KJW M9A1 Olive Drab CO2 Pistol (190$)

Again, if anyone has personal experience or info on any of these, tell me

Also, in either of the TMs, what type of gas would I need? (GG/Propane/ Duster/ etc.)
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