So they finally migrated that spring loaded inner barrel to the 5.1. FINALLY!
It's nothing new. That inner barrel system is what they use on the Marui Detonics. What it does is "...push the [outer] barrel back to it's natural state. This ensures the chamber is always lowered and clear of the slide. When the slide returns to battery, it will push the barrel back in to battery. As the slide moves backwards, the barrel will follow the slide back. With this method, even if your lugs are completely smoked, it's still functional ". -iLLusion.
I've replicated that design for years. It's pretty cool.
THis is a 4.3 set up:
The slimmer frame means only 1 thing. Easier to break and does not support after-market slides as good.
The original frame is always too soft, using a steel metal slide or even hardened aluminium slide always puts a lot of wear on the rails.
How do you figure that?
Even if the pot metal is too soft, that still wouldn't suffice to say that it can't handle aftermarket slides. N-Force was already successful in putting a Limcat slide on unto that frame and that's an aftermarket slide, is it not?
How "long" it'll last is entirely dependant on the operator and what kind of mileage they put onto the gun.
You'll get wear regardless of whatever slide you put on there. It's metal to metal. The key is lubrication to minimize it.
If one is too worried about slide rails getting worn, then they have no business being in airsoft and putting together a "custom" gun. THere are far better things to worry about than worn frame rails...
The gun looks great out of the box, for those wanting something out of the box and "ready to go" this might be a good choice, but for people who are looking to build a full custom race-gun its always best to start with something else.
If you're building a "custom" race gun and do it properly, you wouldn't likely use the stock frame anyways (or anything else for that matter). Weight reduction counts!
In all likelihood, you'd end up replacing almost everything on the gun anyways. Just look at your *EPIC* Custom Infinity/2011 Build, for example.
THe most important parts are really just the pins and springs if they are the same as the old 5.1. Everything else can be bought separately....
I can't see why you discard this gun so easily to work from. You'd actually be downgrading if you use the old 5.1 since it doesn't have that inner barrel system that prevents the inevitable slide self-destruction. THat's a big plus to this gun....