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Old August 21st, 2015, 13:07   #9
Cpt- Lovegrove
Cpt- Lovegrove's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: kingston ontario canada
i built one that bolts on to the mirror mount on my truck, its very simple to make you need to know, and have access to a welder. along with 2 sizes of round steel tubing, 1 needs to fit snugly into the other and some square tubing for the arm sections,
O::::::O <- arm section x 2 on one end of one of them put the smaller tube in and weld it in place so the arms pivot together, then make a U shaped piece that fits over the mount section of the gun and weld a section of the small tube to the bottom of the U with a few bolts and a mount for the vehicle end you are off and gunning down your enemies
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