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Old August 19th, 2015, 16:56   #4
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
Yes you can technically play on private property. That is of course there are municipal by-laws specifically preventing you from doing so. The land owner and also the person who is running the group, if they are an adult could be held responsible if there is an incident. They should consider getting proper insurance. Best to play on private property with only age of majority individuals. As long as all reasonable precautions are taken parents are allowed to put their and others kids at reasonable risk. Things like pools, trampolines, etc, are all deadly if used improperly, so is jumping off of your roof. If adequate precautions are taken, such as proper safety gear and environmental hazards controlled then it's in the gray. Honestly, if all of their parents are okay with it, reasonable precautions are taken and there are no laws being broken, then in a nutshell, yes it is okay. That being said there are many, many, many things to consider. Neighbors, weather, wildlife, etc, can all play factors. We used to play on our own field in Alberta. There were no adverse bylaws, adults only and no one at unreasonable risk, not to mention the local authorities knew of us, where we were and what we were doing. Many municipalities in Ontario have a no discharge of firearms law. But they must be within the city boundaries for that to be in effect. Many larger or rural properties are not.

If you feel someone is at unreasonable risk or laws are being broken, I'd recommend you contact local authorities for information.

On that note; airsoft is like any game or sport, it's not a scary, ultra dangerous thing, as long as adequate precautions are taken. You've got a better chance of being seriously hurt playing backyard football, as long as proper eyewear is being utilized by the players.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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