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Old August 18th, 2015, 01:57   #1
Join Date: Aug 2015
I've been away from airsoft for a few years so i have a few questions.

Hi guys,

Ive been away from airsoft for few years and next weekend is the first gameday i will be attending in a long time. I own 2 GBBR's and when i use to play there was only a couple GBBR users out of 60 people playing but from lurking on airsoftcanada its seems GBBR's and heavier BB's are now alot more popular now. Is this true?

When i played people didnt like to use Bio BB's because they would jam or fall apart inside your gun. Seeing how most fields only allow Bio BB's now, have Bio BB's improved?

Last question. When i played i liked to use Green .36g BB's from Madbull but where i live no stores carry them and i dont have time to order some, so my options are limited to GoldenBall .36g or Scorpion Precision 0.36g Bio BB. Ive never heard of either of them so are they any good?

Thank you.

Last edited by forsberg2111; August 18th, 2015 at 02:00..
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