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Old August 15th, 2015, 19:46   #1
Join Date: Jul 2015
Unhappy Tried to modify Fn herstal a5m spr( vsr-10 mostly compatable) and is now messed up even when i revert to original internals

:banghead: Okay so i bought this gun about a month back and it costed around $120 canadian from forest city sirplus and it was all good but it shot very low fps like lower than the rental ar guns at the local airsoft field, it shot around 350-360 with .25g. i had talked with others who had been playing for years and had hundreds in upgrading their guns and they said to take the air restrictor out, so i did and when i later went to buy a m145 spring and after installing the first few shots were fine then it started firing when i pushed the bolt in, and would sometimes you could not push the bolt in without pushing the end barrel against the ground to get leverage :banghead: so i took it apart and the piston had been tore apart from the spring or something like that, im very new to airsoft ( started when i bought this gun) and basically some times it will fire and sometimes it wont and most of the time it will fire as soon as i push in the bolt to put the bolt handle down in its resting place. i think its the mechanism that holds the spring back is failing. i think i will upgrade it and the piston, is there anything you would recomend i try before i put more money in it and if not what parts should i buy?
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