Originally Posted by brock0
As for the headset (and this is just 20-30 minutes of fooling around) my feelings are mixed. I don't believe the claims that it's transmitting sound to the wearer via bone conduction because when receiving you can easily hear it from some distance away even if it's just sitting on the ground. It feels a lot to me like a set of speakers that are simply mounted near your ears transmitting sound conventionally at least on the receiving end. As was mentioned above, definitely not a "stealthy" option.
I'm about 50/50 on the headset. Game testing will tell the tale.
I have the exact same feelings
Although I had other devices based on the same tech, you could also hear it without contacts from a distance.
I'm thinking its not that it doesn't do what they're advertising, but more that the tech itself isn't as great as what the marketing around it leads us to believe
Haven't had the occasion to game mine yet either. I will on the 25th though