Originally Posted by OutLaw77
This is exactly what I set up last night. Had a great time. But the battery in this cheap gun ran out fast. I'm going to look at some better guns tonight with the wife and bother in law. What do you guys think of the brand Bolt or ICS or Kings Arms? I really like the M4 style rifle and I would like to get one that I can upgrade to be really accurate and reliable. I can't anywhere in Calgary that sells VFC brand. I have read the "M4" thread and I know there are many opinions but I'm looking for reliability, ability to upgrade. Any recommendations?
All internals on AEG (Electric guns) are "meh." Depends what you want, if you want better trigger response, you'll need a mosfet, better gears, motor, etc. and run a 11.1v lipo.
VFC's are the best externals for the AR platform, and Real Sword / LCT have the best externals for AK's.
If you want an "ERG" which is an electric gun that has simulated recoil, info is here.
TM Recoil System - $$$
KWA ERG - $$
Bolt M4 - $
If you got a budget, and ultra realistic with recoil to similar to a .22, get a gas blow back rifle.
A lot of people "Plink" with gas blow back pistols and rifles, because of the kick. They do it more for the giggles and fun, they can also be called "chairsofters."
There's a big retailer in Calgary I think, starts with a "B" rest you can google, since it's illegal for us to post links to retailers for non age verified people. You can ask him to bring you in one, else most retailers ship free, after $299.99.
FYI east coast stores are cheaper then west coast (BC OVER PRICED AS ****)