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Old July 6th, 2015, 21:48   #40
brock0's Avatar
Join Date: May 2013
So, something in my combo of blister pack Motorola, cheapie Ztac ptt and cheapie Ztac headset died on me.

Having scaled way back on airsoft purchases (I bought everything last year haha) I thought I'd upgrade a bit, and go for the Baofeng UV5R and code red battle zero combo.

A day after I placed the orders online, I get this email from code red:

"We have recently encountered comments from a few clients that have experienced difficulties using or Assault or Battle Zero headsets with some models of Baofeng radios.

After exhaustive testing the problem only seems to exist with limited models of Baofeng radios that were typically purchased through large online stores that offer super low prices. We ordered some of these radios and did confirm a compatibility issue that was very intermittent with the connector on the radio. Our determination is that anyone using a Baofeng UV5R radio may very likely experience this problem.

These headsets pass with flying colors on other models and brands of radios."

Just a word of caution I guess and back to the drawing board for me. If anyone knows where I can find a Baofeng UVB5 or 6 shoot me a pm.
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