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Old July 4th, 2015, 23:46   #56
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More unsolicited career advice:
The firearms fixation is a red herring for getting into policing. The biggest thing to these panels is demonstrated skills in customer service and communications, personal organisation and composure in high stress.
That's hard to 'prepare' for, so my two cents is that the prep work that can really wow is more academic. The academic discourse surrounding law enforcement is huge and goes way beyond what you'd learn in PoFo. If you start talking about the politics of broken window theory, the psychology of recidivism, counter terror community outreach, the experience of penetrating ethnic neighbourhoods in the US and Europe, etc. etc. etc. you'll really leave an impact far far beyond being able to take down a P229.

"He resisted. I asked him to comply."
"Telling him to 'eat it, bitch' is not really a request."
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