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Old July 2nd, 2015, 00:41   #110
Deejay2401's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Oshawa, Ontario
I could see these as being pretty neat for milsim. Just for the realism factor, but I'm already satisfied with most of my GBBRs. Hell, with a firepig, my M16A3 sounds like a bloody cannon.

As for the general public... it's been said already; the last thing we need is some stupid underage kid and his friends blasting each other in public with these and having every soccer mom in the town calling the police. We don't need that kind of negative publicity yet again.
Current collection:
KJW SIG P226R -- WE 1911 Punisher -- KSC USP Tactical -- KWA USP Compact
KWA MP7A1 -- WE M4A1 -- WE KAC PDW -- WE G39K
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