Custom lower face mask construction
Hey there so I've been digging around for a little while trying to find a lower face mask that actually fits nicely while still offering good protection and allows you to aim down your sights comfortably but unfortunately all I seem to found was wire mesh, hakkotsu iron face and more wire mesh.
So I decided to try making a custom molded lower face mask of my own. It was pretty easy and still not quite finished but I thought I'd share it with you guys.
Step 1 was making a plaster mold of my face
Step 2 was trimming the face mold and fiberglassing
Step 3 was final fiberglassing and adding extra resin to sand down smooth as possible.
Now I've still got some things left to do like to fill the inside with some material and add some inner padding, adding a nice paintjob and figuring out some kind of straps to secure it to my head. It's going to be made to fit flush with my set of revisions so its going to be trimmed quite a bit but I had to leave the upper eye portion so that the fiberglassing lays properly around the nose area.
So here's some photo's of the build so far, feel free to ask any questions you like or even provide some input on finishing touches etc.