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Old June 11th, 2015, 21:57   #9
Join Date: Jul 2011
Originally Posted by MaybeStopCalling View Post
Holy frig stop!

Dremel should be your last option- it's too easy to turn metal into butter with a dremel and with something that expensive it's a disaster in the making.

1. Polish the slide/rail interface by using a metal polish on the rails, racking your gun multiple times.
2. Use a hand file, frequently checking for fit.

Only when that has failed, do we even consider a dremel.

Holy crap what this guy said!!!!

I would say never use a dremel when it comes to removing any sort of material on a GBB Pistol.

I don't own an M&P but I've modded plenty of Glocks in my life. I have about 7 Glocks to my name as we speak and I've fitted them all with after market slides and parts.

You should start by working the slide in first by racking it back and forth until it starts to get worked in... and seeing from there.

You may not even have to sand anything down it might be something else entirely.

Example BBU sitting too high you may need to shim that a bit or if its sitting too low you may need to figure out if the sights are getting in the way.

Like other users have posted before look to see where there maybe a problem. Check for rattling, height issues.. see if the sights are fitting properly.

Actually start off by putting on the slide without any internals in... see if you have any play, rattle or slide is too loose or tight. If its too tight you already know you'll have to modify the rails.

Figure out if you need to file the side or the top of the rails... make sure not to file to much off. I like using a file and then smoothing it down later with sandpaper. You file too much off it may affect performance of the gun. We all know how finicky some of our guns can be with certain things.

Slowly do this and make sure to check periodically to make sure your not over filing the rails.

Once the slide moves smoothly without any internals installed go ahead and put in the BBU and test it again to see if you can there is any other problems there.

Continue this process... when you do it this way you can easily rule out issues one by one so it can easily help you pin point the problem a lot easier.

Another thing is... make sure to have at least 2-3 mags to work with. Sometimes magazines won't work on one gun but may work on another.

Anyways I hope things work out for you!
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