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Old June 7th, 2015, 09:47   #4
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Toronto, Ontario
KJW m9. I have an m9 vertec(vertex?) By kjw, bought of of Anderson and Anderson way back in 07 or 08, was and is my goto sidearm, been dragged through the mud sand swamp and snow (i play the sniper role mostly so litterally dragged) minor upgrades including inner, hop rubber, hammer spring and recoil spring right out of box and never touched it after that aside from using it. Id say easily has 50000 rounds through it, and thats conservative, it ranges with most stock AEG's kicks good too. Fit and finnish isnt all that hot (it rattles like a highcap if you shake it) and no functuoning decocker (on this model, not sure of newer ones) also the newer ones have a blue or red (cant recall) nozzel that allows the use of co2.
The KWA/KWC m9 ptp is a nice pistol, however you prety much gotta like it out of the box cause finding hop rubbers and inners and such isnt gonna happen, least i cant find an inner and outter for the life of me. But it functions great out of the box and has the functional decocker. Full metal aside from the outter barrel, makes for a smooth cycle and lighter weight plus adds durability by not killing the slide with friction.
i loved my ksc g17, had a tm too that was sweet, had a kjw g32c (broke and couldnt get parts, wasnt a cansoft one either was oldschool solid black frame)
Currently have a we g18c, the hopup sucks, ive put in an aip hop, but really its the arm bends or the wheel doesnt have enough adjustment, currently sourcing a wheel to see if that helps the issue, but over all it seems decent so far once i sort out the hop issue. Should note that HK3P is also we currently with nicer trades.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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