I also run with a poncho, specifically the OPSEC. Not only is it light-weight and tough, but it can adjust to fit over a full load-out including a ruck-sack and completely cover a rifle. Honestly it wouldn't matter what kind of platform I was running, such as GBBR or AEG, you don't want to operate them too much in super wet or damp air. It's a good idea to carry a garbage bag in a pouch to protect your equipment, such as guns, batteries, radios, etc. torrential downpours don't often last long, even if it keeps raining it will lighten up, so don't be afraid to hunker down if needs be. That much rain makes your shots shitty anyways. Wrap and shoulder your gun, draw your secondary and go to town.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...