Yeah... go w/ a MS4 or some other QD sling. I've got a custom MS3 sling and I'm not happy w/ the amount of wear I get on the paraclips.
I run mine on my AK on a sling plate, probably gamed that particular setup ~3 times or so and its gotten chewed up despite how lightly I use my gear.
Might pick up a clone MS3 and see how it fares but I've seen more than one clone MS3 fail on the field. Would not recommend for a heavy gun or if you let you gun hang freely a lot.
Worst case scenario, I go back to my tried and try HK hooks, works great on my G3's two point and not even a scratch or nick. Think there's some 2 to 1 point slings w/ the HK hooks as well.
Just your friendly neighborhood narcissist gearwhore.