Thread: M4/M16 Thread
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Old May 2nd, 2015, 20:30   #1365
Zack The Ripper
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: CFB Shilo, MB
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WE Mk18 Mod ME - not kosher at all, so let's see how many heads explode with this one.

WE CQBR tan base with Colt engravings.

-Madbull Daniel Defense Mk18 RIS II
-Unknown brand anti rotational pins
-Unknown brand (almost certain it is NewAge) ambidextrous fire selector
-Fortis SHIFT fore grip, replica
-Tango Down grip, real steel
-Mission First Tactical Minimalist stock in Scorched Dark Earth color, real steel
-Daniel Defense iron sights, replica
-Daniel Defense QD sling attachment point, replica
-Magpul ASAP sling plate, real steel
-Madbull KAC QDC CQB suppressor and flash hider
-Noveske gas block, replica
-DYTAC 5 position flashlight mount
-Surefire G2 flash light (soon to be replaced with Surefire M720v RAID replica in Dark Earth color)
-EOTech EXPS2, replica

*Mostly stock*
-RA Tech hop rubber
-Angry Gun 270mm tight bore barrel

I run a PAQ-4c with my night vision that will go on here if/when I run a night game with this, though I tend to use my PTWK at night time for stealth, so it likely won't be mounted on this for some time.

Guardians of Asgaard
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