What do you guys wear to carry stuff? Just a normal backpack or something (normal I dont mean what little timmy goes to school with)? I would assume wearing a full blown ruck would be the stupidest thing ever.
I was thinking of picking up a "pack rat" bag from CPgear to go with my cadpat outdoor loadout, not sure if its wise, or if there is something better to go with.... not even sure if it big enough for a 24hour op. Might have to go balls out with the "free spirit" but for the prices the straps just dont looks like your back will like you after to long.
Originally Posted by Janus
Is he a spambot or is he a francophone? I really can't tell the difference sometimes.
Originally Posted by Latvian291
This is one of the funniest things I've read.
Commandment 1 of LMGesus: Fuck getting kills. That's the job of your teammates, otherwise known as the cannon fodder. Your job is to be scary.