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Old April 27th, 2015, 23:02   #18
N_Force's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Toronto, Ontario
I'm wondering if this grenade user manual mention how to use it? Any throwing angle or height restriction? I've never owned any one but just handled and played couple of time during game. It's a heavy weight with rubber covered housing and metal piece on top.

I believe the material design for airsoft GBB gun or device use, must not cause any sparkle when metal to metal contact during blow back action. If not, will catch fire or even explores easily.

On the video, the grenade was thrown to almost 6 feet high and dropped on the concrete floor. I think this incident was causing by the top of the metal part hitting the concrete (concrete could contain with any different materials cause sparkle when having high impact) and the gas released at the same time, this high impact, made sparkle and fired. (That's why I don't like to stand beside aitsofter carrying GBB and smoke at the same time. Something you never know what would happen!) This thread, ppl may talked about how awesome of the fire ball but I think it's time to talk about safety.

I still remember long ago when I was in TTAC, Carl was testing those grenades, we were taught to roll it out and stay low but not throw it high and fall, for safety. Also everyone should know, TTAC is wooden flooring. Now all the arenas are concrete flooring. We should, even must play safe to avoid accident happen. The more safe to handle gas devices, the more fun everyone will has. I wish we all have a safe and fun airsofting environment!
aka Uncle

Last edited by N_Force; April 27th, 2015 at 23:07..
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