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Old April 19th, 2015, 00:09   #10
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Pickering/Toronto
Originally Posted by Datawraith View Post
Bit off topic, but isn't that image a CS-GO character model? It's definitely a CGI.
On topic, I used to use the standard soft drop leg holster with the belt drop loop and the 2 leg straps, but I've since removed the top leg strap and the drop loop, and running my belt through where the top leg strap used to attach. Not sure if all universal drop legs have this option, but I found this doesn't shift at all, is pretty comfortable, and still sits low enough to clear my vest.
As for a belt, doesn't a normal leather one work...? It works in my setup.
Probably, It does have the unreal logo in the bottom. I found it on google images while searching for drop-leg units.
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