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Old April 15th, 2015, 09:39   #3
brock0's Avatar
Join Date: May 2013
Don't go cheap on eye-pro. Nothing ruins the game like not being able to see, nothing ruins your life like losing an eye.

Regardless of what you hear, every goggle without a fan (and even some with) will fog up on you. There are some exceptions (like paintball masks with thermal lenses) but don't believe the "anti-fog" claims. Even ballistic glasses can have moisture problems, depending on how close they sit to your face. Don't rely on anti-fog wipes, solutions, or old wives tales either, because most of them don't do a damn thing.

I recommend Smith OTW Turbofans. Very quiet fan and superior performance. I fog EVERYTHING and these have been amazing for me. Plus, they are full seal and usable at almost all games as opposed to glasses which are not allowed in some places.

They aren't cheap but as with most things in airsoft, you get what you pay for. Regardless of what it is, budget airsoft options sacrifice quality, durability, comfort, and performance for the sake of lower price.
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