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Old April 13th, 2015, 11:48   #9
kullwarrior's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada
Budget for the following:
NVD Unit
Head Mount assembly:
Suggested Route: Helmet, Helmet Bracket (NVG Plate/Bracket), NVG Mount, NVG Adapter
Alternative Route: Head mount, NVG adapter and possible Bracket and mount may also be required for use.

Suggest you budget at bare minimum for a Gen 2 (Gen 2 SHP/ HD and Gen 3 are recommended)

If your budget is $2k for NVD, spend money elsewhere
NVG Bracket are around $15-$150 (PASGT/MICH bracket are cheapest, Norotos mount are pricy)
NVG Mount are between $50-$800 (Rhino mount are cheap, Norotos INVG/ Wilcox L4G24 are pricy)
NVG Adapter are between $50-$200 (USGI J-arm are cheap, Wilcox dovetail J arm are pricy)

And we haven't started about aiming device, IR laser goes between $500-$2500, NV compatiable sights are $300-$1000 (Red dot)

In short, unless you have set aside $3k, don't bother.

FYI: NOD (Night Optical Device), NVD (Night Vision Device), NVG (Night Vision Goggle) are synonymous for the purpose of this post
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