I have personally seem a lot of WE and KJW guns fail, especially WE. This isn't always the case, but it's happened enough to scare me away. I have seen a few that have worked well long term, so I guess it's a risk.
If you're on a budget grab a KWA $150 - $250
If your not grab a Tokyo Marui $250 - $400
Double check prices on the ASC retailers. Many retailers in Canada have huge price differences on the exact same gun. Also make sure that if you buy a Tokyo Marui it isn't the snoked reciever version. Some retailers carry that for some reason, and it can be hard to tell from pictures.
On a personal note, I avoid any models that have skinny hammer mechanisms and this mags. Skinnier mechanisms can mean skinneae parts and I've seen my share of 1911 and M9 have issues. Skinny mags like on a 1911 can have issues going through a whole magazine before the gas resevoir runs dry.
Guns that are usually a knockout; Sig P226, USP, P8, PX4, etc. They're eegonomic, well balanced and reliable.
With pistols, seriously consider buying new.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...