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Old March 31st, 2015, 00:46   #10
Join Date: Mar 2015
Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
First, don't post links to stores outside of AV'd areas.

Second, there's no difference buying them from online stores or going to the physical storefront because if you'd taken 10 seconds to look at the site, they have both an online store AND a physical storefront. The prices are EXACTLY the same. An online store is still a store. Genius.

Your bundle can run from $500 and up depending on what you're looking for. Give more info.
Really, I thought onlines are cheaper and the one I gave was the one I found while browsing around. They have a store in a reachable distance from mine, so that was also an option I had. Anyways thanks for the info. I have a budget of around $1000 and I don't know what all basic gadgets would be in need. My thoughts, a primary weapon, a secondary weapon, magazines, batteries, protection etc. Will these cross my budget range and what about basic gears one would be needing?
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