I have spent less than 600 $ ( arround 400 $) like Ricochet said and I am happy with my kit. I guess it depend if you want to go top gear from the begining.
For example, Camo shirts from Truspec cost about 90 $. I paid 10 for a used woodland shirt. I bough new woodland camo pants for 45 $. The same goes for the rest of equipement. If you choose brand like Rothco and condor, it will still get the job done. The only thing I did not compromise was a smart charger and a lipo battery for my Cyma AK74U.
I know that many members here insist on getting expensives gears, my experience was good with entry level gears ( I must say that it was mainly CQB games).
Last edited by Enthusiast; March 30th, 2015 at 19:31..