I Thought that i would try these out, I am pleased that i did. I had an uneasy feeling that the mags wouldn't fill with liquid propane unless propane gas could get out (of the mags during the filling process). That was wrong thinking- I'm convinced when you pressurize (fill) your mag with liquid propane gas any gas that was left in the mag would be compressed as well. I put the O-rings in a mag (the longest part is getting the little baggie open) and it worked exactly as advertised- No propane spraying out on my hands, no noise, no smell. Since I have a condition called essential tremor (shaky hands) I hated drawing attention to myself while filling my mags and now i won't. There's no way that Sequential is getting rich selling these things- He's helping out fellow airsofters. BTW I installed mine into Hicapa mags