Thread: Game Scenarios
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Old March 29th, 2015, 23:29   #7
Brian McIlmoyle
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Toronto

2 equal sized groups start. the object of the game is to capture members of the opposite team.

this is how it works,

when you are hit you fall where hit, to respawn you must be extracted out to a spawn point. If extracted by the enemy you join their team. If extracted by friendlies you rejoin the fight on the same side.

game goes on till the last person is captured.

People could switch sides several times through the game. So this is not a "tan vs green Kind of thing.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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