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Old March 28th, 2015, 01:53   #2
HackD's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Somewhere between Hamilton Ontario, and Hell..
In short, the LCT AK74U and the AKMSU sight block is the same part - and it is integral with the muzzle casting, that forms the 24mm threading, which slips over the outer barrel. You need to either replace the sight/muzzle threading assembly with a compatible 14mm replacement assembly, Get a PBS-4 that is 24mm threaded, or adapt the PBS-4 suppressor to fit the 24mm threading.

The Hephaestus 24mm to 14mm adapter is meant for the GHK AK74U series, which is an LCT body. I initially used this as an interim solution for a tracer unit using 14mm threads on my AKMSU, but i found it aesthetically unpleasing when i wanted to use a PBS-1 that had a 14mm thread.

See the following thread (pun intended), on the topic.

My AABB(?) PBS-1 14mm to 24mm machined mod, eliminating the Hephaestus 24mm to 14mm adapter entirely. I have yet to test, but am working on a solution/mod for the interior bouncing BB issue, as was reported by a similarly equipped AK user.

Last edited by HackD; March 28th, 2015 at 02:04..
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